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Showing posts from April, 2015

Room for more

Dear anyone out there that has been tuning in & following my journey, I apologize for my sporadic check-ins lately.  Thanks for being patient. I wanted to let you know that I am at a place that involves making room for more.  (I actually just typed room for me before quickly changing it to more -could be a slip of the fingers, or could be my subconscious typing the "real" truth, but anyway...)   It is a time for me.  A time to start moving in the direction that involves less care-taking and more time devoted to what I enjoy.  I am committed to keeping my time open to truly dive in and make this first attempt at a business work. What that means is that some things have to shift, change, evolve or be tweaked in order to feel like there is room for everything.  I have had to let go of things, put things on hold, and fight the feeling of wanting to do everything.  This is hard for me.  I want to be able to do it all and do it all well! ...

Be a gatekeeper

"You are the gatekeeper of your home." L. Rosenfeld Today I was thinking about the small shift that I am noticing in our societal message of consumerism.  It is the notion that we should treasure each and every one of our possessions & surround ourselves with things that evoke joy.  Marie Kondo talks about this in "The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up" and L. Rosenfelf & Dr. M. Green agree in "Breathing Room."  Both books have some great insight on how to break out of the cultural norm of More = Happiness. They passionately believe that we need to evaluate how we want our space to feel and then surround ourselves with the things that evoke those feelings.  This notion feels a little crazy when you look at our cultural track record!  We have been asked to consume!  Buy, buy, buy!   Everything we need is right there for the taking, so go ahead... buy whatever looks good.  And when you get tired of it, you can throw it out....