Milestones are interesting.
They are a marker in time.
A stopping point.
A time for evaluation & reflection.
40 years on this Earth.
It seems like a lot of time & yet…
often it feels like those forty years just gave me a start on the path.
They were my learning and growing years. My trying on and figuring out years.
Lots of contemplation & frustration.
Lots of wonder & growth, but lots of inner struggle over who I am and how I want to live.
Growing older can be a tough road for some. For me, it has been a journey to find & stay true to my inner truth, my inner core. 40 years of experiences that have given me a lot of perspective & understanding into my place, my gifts, my beliefs.
I feel like this milestone has given me permission to move forward with less angst and more trust. Less questioning and more knowing.
I want to thank those 40 years for their patience as I worked to find myself-find out what I like, what I need, how I want to be. I am committed to moving ahead knowing that I have the strength & courage to make choices that are “right” for me now.
Thank you 40 years.
You grew & shaped, you waited & pushed. You knew I needed time to work through it all & you offered wonderful opportunities to help me find my way.
Let's chat.
Are you facing a milestone soon or is there a big transition in your future?
Are any revelations rising about your journey to this point in time?
What do you feel grateful for as you turn the page?
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