This week the same phrase keeps running through my head, "Comparison is the thief of joy." Over and over... again and again.
I understand why it is haunting me. I need to hear it. I need the gentle reminder that when I start to make comparisons, even simple ones, it takes away from me. It makes a question mark stand out about how my life is or how it stacks up.
Comparison takes the joy out of what is and pulls out the attitude of "oh, I wish" or "isn't that neat" or "why can't I do that?" or "how does she do that?" It is a simple thing and it happens all the time. It's automatic. It creates a wishing or longing that comes from the head, not the contentment that the heart could feel if those simple thoughts were kept in check a bit more.
There are so many different ways to live in this world. So many ways to look at life. So many possibilities and ideas that become important or inspiring. It's unique for each person. There really isn't a need to compare.
I will continue to shift and focus on finding joy and gratitude in my interactions with people, looking at their circumstances with wonder and awe, letting comparison fall away. I want to find inspiration and hope in what people choose and how they live. I want to feel the joy of living my life.
I am going to let that phrase continue to run through my head for as long as it needs to, but I am going to add the phrase, "I am enough and for whatever I need to do I am enough."
Is there a phrase that keeps circling through your thoughts or an attitude
that you can't seem to shake? What is it asking you to shift or look into a bit further?
that you can't seem to shake? What is it asking you to shift or look into a bit further?
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