An inspirational way to display a neighborhood's gratitude! Almost every night, over the past 2 1/2 years, I have made time to jot a note of gratitude. It is one of the last things I do before I put my head on the pillow, which means it allows for a quick review of the day. I run through the good and bad and think of what went well and what I want to let go of. Then I jot a little phrase or word in my pocket-sized journal. Some days these phrases are simple and some days they are more profound. There are days when things feel heavy and my note becomes about simple bodily functions: breathing, the ability to smile, walk. And other days, it comes easy and there are more ideas than space in the journal. I try not to judge these notes, just let the day be what it was and know that I found at least one light spot in it. Here in the North we have entered the season where each day can bring a bitter cold that makes it hard to get up ...
creating openings so love & intuition have room to grow