An inspirational way to display a neighborhood's gratitude!
Some days these phrases are simple and some days they are more profound. There are days when things feel heavy and my note becomes about simple bodily functions: breathing, the ability to smile, walk. And other days, it comes easy and there are more ideas than space in the journal. I try not to judge these notes, just let the day be what it was and know that I found at least one light spot in it.
Here in the North we have entered the season where each day can bring a bitter cold that makes it hard to get up and motivated. During these stretches it can be harder to find something to feel grateful for, but my warm slippers and having a garage to put my car in at night are things that I can not take for granted. I peek out my window and notice the sun glitter on the new snow and feel grateful for the beauty of nature. Each and every day offers some surprises and miracles and taking a minute to remember that has made my life feel full.
Take a moment to see what fills your heart. What are you grateful for right now?
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